Principal Lecturer

Professor Davar Khoshnevisan started
his professional career at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in
1989 after
he received his Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley.
Subsequently, he
joined the faculty of the University of Utah as an Assistant Professor
in 1993, and moved through the ranks to Full
Professor in 2001.
Khoshnevisan's research
program centers on stochastic analysis, stochastic processes, and
SPDEs. He has
made extensive and significant contributions to random fields, Markov
processes, random fractals, and stochastic partial differential
equations. In
1998, he received the Rollo Davidson Prize from the University of
Cambridge (in
conjunction with Professor Wendelin Werner of Orsay University).
Several new
methods and techniques developed by Professor Khoshnevisan and his
have been used to solve several long-standing open problems in
processes, Gaussian random fields, and SPDEs.
Khoshnevisan has published
three books including his Springer monograph ``Multiparameter
Processes'' (2002)
and more than ninety research articles [more than thirty articles since
2007]. His
research has been supported continuously by NSF since 1997.
He has served as panel reviewer for
the Probability Grants Section of NSF [2001, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2012],
and has
served as referee for various national and international
research-funding agencies [US-NSA, US-NSF,
Foundation, US-Israel Binational Science Foundation, Swiss-NSF].
Khoshnevisan is also
engaged in other national and international activities: He has served
as an
Associate Editor for four international journals, including the Annals
Probability which is considered to be a premier journal in probability
theory. He
has served (2012--present) as Springer--Basel's Monograph Series Editor
with S. Resnick) for the two series ``Probability and its
Applications'' and
``Progress in Probability.'' During 1999--2002, he served as the
Managing Editor
for ``The Electronic Journal/Communications of Probability.''
He served as
Council member of
Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) from July 2009 to July 2011,
member of the Committee for selection of Special Invited Lectures for
during 2001--2003, and then served as Chair of the said committee
2003--2004. From August 2011, he has served as a member of the IMS
Committee on
Electronic Issues.
Davar Khoshnevisan has
organized several conferences and symposia on stochastic partial
equations, including the ``Minicourse on Stochastic Partial
Equations'' (with Firas Rassoul-Agha) at the University of Utah, May
2006; an invited session on ``Fine Properties of Stochastic Processes"
the Conference on Stochastic Processes and Their
Applications, July, 2009,
Berlin; and ``Stochastic Analysis and Stochastic Partial Differential
Equations'' (with Robert Dalang and Yimin Xiao) at Banff International
Station for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery, Canada, April 1--6,
2012. He
is a member of the organizing committees for ``Seminar on Stochastic
Processes'' (2009, 2011) and for the 36th Conference on ``Stochastic
and Their Applications'' (July, 2013), Boulder, Colorado.
the past two
years alone, Professor Khoshnevisan has delivered over 30 talks at
international conferences, schools, and workshops to promote the use of
probabilistic methods and analysis, including:
- ``Stochastic
partial differential equations and intermittence'' (August, 2012) at the
Brazilian School of Probability, Recife, Brazil;
- ``Stochastic
Analysis Days'' (May 9-11, 2012) in Nancy, France;
- ``Warwick
Workshop in Stochastic Analysis and SPDEs'' (Apr 16-19, 2012), Warwick,
- ``Foundations
of Stochastic Analysis'' (September 18--23, 2011), Banff International
Station, Canada;
- ``Fractals
and Random Fields'' (June 13--17, 2011) Porquerolles, France;
- ``Self-similarity
and Stochastic Processes'' (June 6--10, 2011), Le Touquet/Lille, France;
- ``Stochastic
Analysis, Random Fields, and Applications'' (May 23-27, 2011), Ascona,