Honglang Wang, Ping-Shou Zhong, Yuehua Cui and Yehua Li (2017). Unified Empirical Likelihood Ratio Tests for Functional Concurrent Linear Models and the Phase Transition from Sparse to Dense Functional Data , To appear in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B. (Supplemental Material)
Honglang Wang, Ping-Shou Zhong and Yuehua Cui (2017). Empirical Likelihood Ratio Tests for Coefficients in High Dimensional Heteroscedastic Linear Models, To appear in Statistica Sinica. Heng Wang and Ping-Shou Zhong (2017). Order-restricted Inference for Means with Missing Values, To appear in Biometrics. Ping-Shou Zhong, Wei Lan, Peter Song and Chih-Ling Tsai (2017). Tests for Covariance Structures with High-dimensional Repeated Measurements, The Annals of Statistics. 45 1185-1213. Jun Li and Ping-Shou Zhong (2017). A Rate Optimal Procedure for Recovering Sparse Differences between High-dimensional Means under Dependence, The Annals of Statistics. 45 557-590. Wei Lan, Ping-Shou Zhong, Runze Li, Hansheng Wang and Chih-Ling Tsai (2016). Testing a Single Regression Coefficient in High Dimensional Linear Models, Journal of Econometrics. 195 154-168. Tapabrata Maiti, Samiran Sinha and Ping-Shou Zhong (2016). Functional Mixed Models for Small Area Estimation, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 43 886–903. Minya Xu, Ping-Shou Zhong and Wei Wang (2016). Detecting Variance Change-Points for Blocked Time Series and Dependent Panel Data, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. 34 213-226. Juan P. Steibel, Heng Wang and Ping-Shou Zhong (2015). A Hidden Markov Approach for Ascertaining cSNP Genotypes from RNA Sequence Data in the Presence of Allelic Imbalance by Exploiting Linkage Disequilibrium, BMC Bioinformatics. 16 DOI: 10.1186/s12859-015-0479-2. (R package: HMMASE) Ping-Shou Zhong, Tao Hu and Jun Li (2015). Tests for Coefficients in High-dimensional Additive Hazard Models , Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 42 649-664. Ping-Shou Zhong and Sixia Chen (2014). Jackknife Empirical Likelihood Inference with Regression Imputation and Survey Data, Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 129 193-205.Ping-Shou Zhong, Song Xi Chen and Minya Xu (2013). Tests Alternative to Higher Criticism for High Dimensional Means under Sparsity and Column-wise Dependence, The Annals of Statistics. 41 2820-2851.
Tao He, Jian Sa, Ping-Shou Zhong and Yuehua Cui (2013). Statistical Dissection of Cyto-nuclear Epistasis Subject to Genomic Imprinting in Line Crosses , PLOS ONE, 9(3), e91702. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0091702.
Tao He, Ping-Shou Zhong and Yuehua Cui (2014). A Set-based Association Test Identifies Sex-specific Gene Sets Associated with Type 2 Diabetes , Frontiers in Genetics, 5:395, doi: 10.3389/fgene.2014.00395.
Honglang Wang, Tao He, Cen Wu, Ping-Shou Zhong and Yuehua Cui (2012). A Powerful Statistical Method Identies Novel Loci Associated with Diastolic Blood Pressure Triggered by Nonlinear GxE Interaction, BMC Proceedings.
Ping-Shou Zhong and Song Xi Chen (2011). Tests for High Dimensional Regression Coefficients with Factorial Designs, Journal of the American Statistical Association. 106 260-274.
Song Xi Chen and Ping-Shou Zhong (2010). ANOVA for Longitudinal Data with Missing Values, The Annals of Statistics. 38 3630-3659.
Song Xi Chen, Li-Xin Zhang and Ping-Shou Zhong (2010). Tests for High Dimensional Covariance Matrices, Journal of the American Statistical Association. 105 810-819.
Ping-Shou Zhong and Hengjian Cui (2010). Empirical Likelihood for Median Regression Model with Designed Censoring Variables, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 101 240-251.
Qiu-Hua Chen, Ping-Shou Zhong and Hengjian Cui (2009). Empirical Likelihood for Mixed-effects Error-in-variables Model, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 25(4) 561-578.