Textbook's table of contents (9 Kb .pdf).
Printout of the above. (189 Kb .pdf).
Lecture Outline 1-12-09 (886 Kb .pdf).
Lecture Outline 1-14-09 (218 Kb .pdf).
Lecture Outline 1-16-09 (264 Kb .pdf). Change page references to 561-563 (not 567) and 557-562.
Lecture Outline 1-21-09 (257 Kb .pdf).
Homework due in recitation 1-20-09 (442 Kb .pdf).
Class Lecture Outline 1-23-09 (170 Kb .pdf).
Class Lecture 1-21-09 (257 Kb .pdf).
Class Lecture 1-23-09 (247 Kb .pdf).
Lecture Outline 1-26-09 and recitation assignment 1-27-09 (316 Kb .pdf).
Lecture 1-26-09 (475 Kb .pdf).
Lecture 1-28-09 (423 Kb .pdf).
Lecture 1-30-09 (709 Kb .pdf).
Lecture Outline 2-2-09 (158 Kb .pdf). Bring a copy to class.
Lecture 2-2-09 (10:20) (377 Kb .pdf).
Lecture 2-2-09 (11:30) (403 Kb .pdf).
Exam 1 key (to one version) (165 Kb .pdf).
Lecture 2-4-09 (read chapter 7 before 2-6-09) (510 Kb .pdf).
Lecture 2-6-09 (1.28 Mb .pdf).
Lecture 2-9-09 (1.65 Mb .pdf).
Printout of the above. (240 Kb .pdf).
Lecture Outline 2-13-09 (69 Kb .pdf).
Lecture Outline 2-16-09 (6.56 Mb .pdf).
Lecture 2-16-09 (1.75 Mb .pdf).
Lecture 2-18-09 (251 Kb .pdf).
Lecture Outline 2-20-09 (540 Kb .pdf).
HW6 due 2-24-09 in recitation (179 Kb .pdf).
Computer Labs' Schedule (16 Kb .pdf).
Quiz 2-17-09 Key to one version (120 Kb .pdf).
Quiz 2-17-09 Key to another version (106 Kb .pdf).
Key to questions at end of HW 2-24-09 (71 Kb .pdf).
Partial Lecture 2-23-09 (some was done on the computer) (71 Kb .pdf).
Lecture 2-25-09 (3.17 Mb .pdf).
Quiz 2-24-09a key (55 Kb .pdf).
Quiz 2-24-09b key (55 Kb .pdf).
Lecture 2-27-09 (325 Kb .pdf).
Regression Plot with meanx 6, meany 10, sx 3, sy 5, r 0.7. (115 Kb .pdf).
stat200 2-28-09 PDF rendering (not active). Illustrates some additional plots. (119 Kb .nb).
Lecture 3-2-09 (1.13 Mb .pdf).
Exam 2 key (another) (132 Kb .pdf).
Lecture Outline 3-16-09 (3.88 Mb .pdf).
Lecture Outline 3-18-09 (1.1 Mb .pdf).
Lecture 3-18-09 10:20 (13.75 Mb .pdf).
Lecture 3-18-09 11:30 (13.75 Mb .pdf).
HW7 due in recitation 3-24-09 (parts will be gone over in lecture 3-23-09) (91 Kb .pdf).
HW7 WITH HINTS due in recitation 3-24-09 (parts will be gone over in lecture 3-23-09) (131 Kb .pdf).
Lecture 3-23-09 (10:20) (570 Kb .pdf).
Lecture 3-23-09 (11:30) (574 Kb .pdf).
Lecture 3-25-09 (205 Kb .pdf).
Lecture 3-30-09 10:20 (299 Kb .pdf).
Lecture 3-30-09 11:30 (246 Kb .pdf).
PDF rendering of the grader.nb file above (453 Kb .pdf).
Exercises due in recitation 4-14-09. From chapters 20 and 21. (104 Kb .pdf)
Lecture 4-8-09. From chapter 20. (340 Kb .pdf)
Lecture 4-10-09 10:20 (3.38 Mb .pdf).
Lecture 4-10-09 11:30 (3.35 Mb .pdf).
Lecture 4-13-09 10:20 (255 Kb .pdf).
Lecture 4-13-09 11:30 (247 Kb .pdf).
A Chi Square Table (anachronism?) (96 Kb .pdf).
Lecture 4-15-09 (1.08 Mb .pdf).
Lecture Outline 4-17-09 (43 Kb .pdf).
Lecture Outline 4-20-09 (attendance will be taken) (69 Kb .pdf).
Lecture 4-22-09 (attendance taken) (157 Kb .pdf).
Lecture 4-24-09 (attendance taken) (56 Kb .pdf).
Lecture 4-27-09 10:20 (attendance taken) (56 Kb .pdf).
Lecture 4-27-09 11:30 (attendance taken) (56 Kb .pdf).
P-value calculator. (4 Kb .pdf).