Syllabus (2.13 Mb .pdf).
Helproom schedule.
Statistics and Probability in the news (22 Kb .pdf).
Hints and comments for homework due in class 7-7-10 (4.4 Mb .pdf). Some language changes and correction to median of {8, 33, 2, 20} = (8+20)/2 = 14.
Lecture 7-7-10 (1.1 Mb .pdf)
Jeanna's script for using TI-83 to obtain population sigma. For the list {-1, 1} you should get sigma = 1. If not, you may be getting the sample standard deviation commonly denoted by "s" (not sigma) (18Kb .pdf)
Angie's solution to hw 7-7-10 (54 Kb .pdf)
REVIEW and BONUS 7-11-10 (1.38 Mb .pdf). Optional bonus is due 7-14-10.
Accurate calculation for 5000 H and T (85 Kb .pdf).
Gola's HW key 7-9-10 (74 Kb .pdf)
Lecture 7-12-10 (1.37 Mb .pdf)
Ruqayyah's hw key 7-12-10 (172 Kb .pdf)
Jeanna's script for using the TI-83 plus to work problems associated with the binomial distribution (47 Kb .pdf)
Lecture 7-12-10 (1.37 Mb .pdf)
Lecture 7-14-10 8am (1.35 Mb .pdf)
Lecture 7-14-10 12:40 (1.55 Mb .pdf)
Homework 7-14-10 and bonus (437 Kb .pdf)
Homework key 7-14-10 (student Lockton) (416 Kb .pdf)
Lecture 7-16-10 8am (1.35 Mb .pdf)
Lecture 7-16-10 12:40 (1.35 Mb .pdf)
Homework key 7-16-10 (student Takhyan) (416 Kb .pdf)
Homework assignment for 7-19-10. Consult keys 30, 31, 33 (132 Kb .pdf)
Lecture 7-19-10 8am. (744 Kb .pdf)
Lecture 7-19-10 12:40. (744 Kb .pdf)
Bonus key 7-19-10 (student Pham) (954 Kb .pdf)
Homework assignment for 7-21-10. Consult Theme 3 (100 Kb .pdf)
Lecture 7-21-10. Consult Theme 3 (991 Kb .pdf)
Bonus KEY 7-21-10 (123 Kb .pdf)
Homework assignment for 7-23-10. (647 Kb .pdf)
Homework KEY for assignment for 7-23-10 (RE-POSTED TYPED VERSION). (1.11 Mb .pdf)
Homework assignment for 7-26-10 (139 Kb .pdf) (NOT to be handed in). There will be a bonus quiz in class (bonus applicable to comprehensive midterm exam Wednesday 7-28-10) lightly touching ALL material to date.
Bonus KEY 7-26-10 8am (165 Kb .pdf)
Bonus KEY 7-26-10 1240 (124 Kb .pdf)
KEY to 8am midterm 7-28-10 (216 Kb .pdf)
KEY to 12:40 midterm 7-28-10 (202 Kb .pdf)
In-class assignment for 8am 7-30-10 (240 Kb .pdf). Of the 13 students participating there were 9 whose 68% confidence interval covered the true mean of 1. That is 69.2% covered where nominally 68% should cover on average (actually, this is an approximate percentage based on z-approximation).
In-class assignment for 12:40 7-30-10 ( ? Kb .pdf). Of the 12 students participating there were 8 whose 68% confidence interval covered the population mean of 1. That is, 66.7% covered where nominally 68% should cover on average (actually, this is an approximate percentage based on z-approximation).
Reading assignment for 8-2-10 (152 Kb .pdf). Corrections made to the distribution and moments of X in the opening few paragraphs ending (now) with 0.707 (all the changes agree with what we did in class 7-30-10).
Homework due at the start of class 8-2-10 (80 Kb .pdf)
Key to homework 8-2-10 (281 Kb .pdf)
Readings and homework (edited for corrections) (due at the start of class 8-4-10) (78 Kb .pdf)
TYPO CORRECTED 8-11-10! Key to assignment 8-4-10 (2.09 Mb .pdf). First line of problem 2 should set 87 in correspondence with page 87.
Readings and homework due at the start of class 8-6-10 (128 Kb .pdf). A separate file of data blocks A and data blocks B is required (see below).
Data blocks A, B for 8-6-10 as required by each of 18 students, listed by No. on classlist, for hw due at the start of class 8-6-10 (128 Kb .pdf). Be sure you use the blocks assigned to you!! BE SURE!
CI and related formulae as of 8-9-10 (112 Kb .pdf).
Prep 8-13-10 for final (211 Kb .pdf).
KEY to Prep 8-13-10 for final (211 Kb .pdf).
Prep 8-16-10 for final (180 Kb .pdf).
KEY to Prep 8-16-10 for final (342 Kb .pdf).